Violence at school
The World Health Organization defines violence as ''the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation''.so what's the causes of violence? And what're the solutions?
School violence is a multi-faceted social ill and may occur for diverse reasons, one of which is the intake of hard substances such as drugs and alcohol abuse. Students, school staff or members of society who are intoxicated tend to lose control of their inhibitions and often act in an irrational manner. Hence, the effect of drugs on the human body can serve as a catalyst for school violence.
Another cause of school violence may be personality problems. Shyness, for instance, may cause a student to feel out of place amongst his peers, thereby influencing him to be rebellious or try to get noticed by any means. Such behavior may also result in bullying and gang fights.Also, the government in some parts of the world - especially First-World countries - permits weapons such as guns to be made more accessible to households. Teenagers are able to gain access to sharp objects and dangerous arms, which they take to school and use to intimidate their peers.
School violence is a multi-faceted social ill and may occur for diverse reasons, one of which is the intake of hard substances such as drugs and alcohol abuse. Students, school staff or members of society who are intoxicated tend to lose control of their inhibitions and often act in an irrational manner. Hence, the effect of drugs on the human body can serve as a catalyst for school violence.
Another cause of school violence may be personality problems. Shyness, for instance, may cause a student to feel out of place amongst his peers, thereby influencing him to be rebellious or try to get noticed by any means. Such behavior may also result in bullying and gang fights.Also, the government in some parts of the world - especially First-World countries - permits weapons such as guns to be made more accessible to households. Teenagers are able to gain access to sharp objects and dangerous arms, which they take to school and use to intimidate their peers.
So are the solutions for this problèm? Firstly, schools should set into action strong disciplinary measures which perpetrators of the act will face, if they fail to abide by the institution's rules and regulations. There should also be up-to-date security measures in schools and school-sponsored events, to ensure that students are properly searched and stripped of any kind of weapon before entering the premises. The school buildings and school-sponsored events should also be properly guarded in order to quickly detect any possible threats of violence. The need to engage students in awareness campaigns cannot be overemphasized. Students should be counseled and enlightened on anger-management, conflict resolution, character development and a host of other topics that will help to deal with the psychological issues associated with school violence.
In conclusion, the larger community such as non-governmental organizations should make concerted efforts to reach out to students and other youth in order to properly address issues of drug abuse, social anxieties and other forms of mental or affective disorders. The legal system in less-developed nations should also be reviewed in order to accommodate specific laws for school violence.
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