
Smoking is one of the most common habits that seem to keep on growing in our communities and due to it's bad effects, I believe it must be banned. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and get rid of stress, the negative aspects of the habit outweighs the positive. It is especially harmful to unborn babies. Cigarettes are also addictive because of the nicotine, which is their key ingredient.

Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems which are expensive to treat. It is a major cause of respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis. It also leads to heart diseases. In spite of the money which the Government receives from taxing cigarettes, the cost of medical treatment for these diseases exceeds this income. As a consequence, non smoking taxpayers are forced to pay for the health costs of smokers. This is a very unfair situation.

Another reason for banning smoking is that cigarette smoke affects the health of non-smokers and unborn babies. Non-smokers often suffer from eye and nose irritations, allergies and headaches as a result of inhaling second-hand smoke. There is also evidence to suggest that passive smoking may cause lung cancer. Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the foetus and may even result in death.

by Said Ait Elfatmi

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