What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any unwanted term or sexual act that violates the body, feelings and privacy of the victim in which the victim feels insult , humiliation, scare and other bad vibes.
Types of sexual harassment:
The harasser or victim can be a man or a woman and there's harassment of men by a woman, a woman by man or homosexuality harassment.
Examples of sexual harassment
-> Unwanted sexual statements: sexual jokes, comments on physical attributes
->Unwanted personal attention: letters,calls, visits,
-> Unwanted physical or sexual advances: kissing, hugging, touching etc..
It occurs in all public and private places such as workplaces, streets, restaurants, schools, universities, shops...
This behaviour has become a sexual offense punishable by law
Sexual harassment is any unwanted term or sexual act that violates the body, feelings and privacy of the victim in which the victim feels insult , humiliation, scare and other bad vibes.
Types of sexual harassment:
The harasser or victim can be a man or a woman and there's harassment of men by a woman, a woman by man or homosexuality harassment.
Examples of sexual harassment
-> Unwanted sexual statements: sexual jokes, comments on physical attributes
->Unwanted personal attention: letters,calls, visits,
-> Unwanted physical or sexual advances: kissing, hugging, touching etc..
It occurs in all public and private places such as workplaces, streets, restaurants, schools, universities, shops...
This behaviour has become a sexual offense punishable by law
Sexual harassment should no longer exist in our community because it's a source of insecurity and disrespect!