Project 1ECO2


Fast food one of bigs problem in this period, we see peoples are fat or obese because of FF.

FF a type of food that is quickly made, but of low nutritional value, includes a lot of sugar and cholesterol, so why peoples eat FF?

They eat FF because they don't have time for cooking; in all the word we knew are in the work or in school we don't have time to go home and eat, no we stay and eat a food made quickly like french fries with meat and cola...

It's not bad for one time but repeats that about four times in the day, and without sports or walk... it's not good for our body.

There is a lot of consequence of FF for example obesity, cardiovascular diseases, breathing difficulty... all these diseases take you to death very quickly.
The solutions it's :

We should cook our food in the home before going to work or school. And giving our kids fruits like apple better to giving them FF.


We should do some exercise for 30 min at least in the day, and drink 1L of water; it's good for our body to help him get rid of fat.
created by Ismail barodi 1ECO2

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