
Poverty is a social problem that has threatened many societies, especially the developing societies, which have lagged behind development, civilization and science.
There are many reasons for poverty, including the absence of job opportunities, the spread of unemployment among communities, the absence of the breadwinner for the family, and the lack of efforts to earn money through work. There is also a culture of shame in developing societies.
There are profitable jobs that some people consider flawed.
One of the causes of poverty is the lack of interest in education as science has become the bright beacon of knowledge, development and progress.
The causes of poverty in many societies are also the economic decline of the state.
But as there are many reasons for poverty, there are also solutions such as providing employment for young people. And also provide education in schools and universities that is required in the labor market.
The state must reform economic policies and developing successful anti-poverty plans.
The state should also impose control on prices, supply and demand, and prevent monopolization of goods in the markets, which would lead to an increase in prices.
It is also necessary to exploit the natural resources of the state,which generates income for citizens.
Citizens must work hard to earn money without being ashamed of any job.
Meriem Bahi 

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