Environment pollution

The environment is all that surrounds humans from living beings and non-living materials and interrelationship to ensure the continuity of life. Based on the previous definition, the environment is all that God has created for us trees animals,seas and oceans, soil and others with precision and mastery and balance, and it is the duty of all to preserve the environment and protect it from pollution.

Typs of environmental pollution and ors causes:
Such as pollution of que,water and soil:
-air pollution:air pollution occurs when
harmful gases, dust, and smoke enter the atmosphere affecting the lives of living organisms and their causes:
Agricultural activities.
Smoke factories.
-water pollution: human activities that lead to the introduction of a harmful substance into water bodies result in water pollution from natural causes such as volcanoes and or causes:
Dumping of industrial waste in water bodies.
-soil pollution: soil pollution means the degradation or destruction of the earth's surface and soil, directly or indirectly, as a result of human activities and its causes:
Deforestation and soil erosion.
Nuclear waste, such as burying nuclear waste.

Negative impacts of environmental pollution:
-Death of living beings.
-Health problems.
-Lack of soil fertility.

Reduce pollution:
-Spreading awareness among people.
-The removal of factories from populated

By Zakaria Elkhider

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