Children in Syria

Children in syria

Children in Syria are suffering after six years of exposure to violence and danger in their country's brutal war,  many Syrian children were struggling with the condition and living in an almost constant state of fear even after escaping from the front lines of the conflict.
Because of That , children were showing more aggressive behavior, suffering from bedwetting, speech impediments, and chest pains, and in some cases attempting suicide.
In My Opinion, We need to ensure that children who have already lost six years of their lives to war don't have to lose their whole future as well.
Toxic stress is defined as the most dangerous form of stress response and can manifest in children when they are exposed to extended periods of extreme hardship without support from adults.

Over time such stress can take a deep psychological toll but also disrupt the development of a child's brain and leave at heightened risk of physical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or immune system problems.
I watched on A Report That 81 percent of parents said they had noticed their children displaying more aggressive behaviour, including fighting with friends and family 71 percent said that children were wetting their beds more often than they used to 48 percent of parents said they had encountered children who lost the ability to speak or were suffering from speech
After six years of war, however, many of Syria's children have lost much critical time for development, and the long-term damage has the potential to become irreversible and permanent.

By Fatimazzahra Charif 

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