Child displacement

      In today's society we find many kids who are without a home or a family and that seem to increase while we go further in time so as a way to stop it and bright awareness to people we're going to try and figure out first how we come to this Many young people now days are carless about they're sexual life and  how they act about it when the after the damage is done so as an advice to them the stop them from brining kids who only have to suffer more about their actions and become orphans with no one by their side to love them and protect them , we tell does parents to be safe first know what you are getting into first make sure that you want a family and that the both side are in an understanding terms of what they want so the children won't have to pay for the mistakes of someone  Who didn't have the time the slow down and and think can i have this baby can i take care of him would i be able to provide for him what he needs instead of ending up  having the baby without a clue in the world about how to rais that child which leads to giving him up to end up on the street to become an orphan.

By Youness Idgouahman